Welcome Back, Normal

Welcome Back, Normal

If you are a follower of these words of mine, you know that 2019 brought Family and I a cornucopia of unusual but, here we are on the 22nd day of  !! 2020 !!  and there’s noooooo looking back. Lessons have been learned and it’s time to move forward.


& believe it or not “normal” is returning to my vibe.

It’s true.

Want to know how I know ??

Because I’m shredding again

and I cannot describe how much gleeeee this simple chore brings me

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

You see, Family and I have lived in this house we call home for thirty-five years
& we’ve got stuff. BIG stuff, little stuff, tall stuff, short stuff, important stuff, miscellaneous stuff, WHY ??? did you keep THIS for thirty-five YEARS stuff.
And now that Husband is mended and feeling much better, decisions have been decided. We MUST sort our stuff.
We must.
We ain’t getting any younger, ya know
We’ve got stuff.
LOTS of stuff.

The process has begun and shredding is where I am spending my free moments & as I was so diligently going about the biz of the shred today, someone who shall remain anonymous had the nerve to declare his belief that I am thisclose to being dubbed a hoarder.
wrong. wrong. WRONG.
So wrong.
You see, a hoarder has piles upon piles of clutter and junk
icky, yucky, nonsense junk.

I, on the other hand, am a keeper.
A keeper of this and that’s.
And I am organized.
I am a extremely organized keeper of this and that’s.


But this has me thinking, if I had to choose ten, count ’em !! TEN !! items to save out of alllllll this stuff, I know exactly what those items would be. Exactly. They are the items that matter most and are all I really need. ♥ AND I could carry my special items in one box.
My box of ME.

So. There.
& now that I’ve released these many syllables into your orbit, I must get back to the delightful process of shredding

!! & yippee !!

Welcome back, Normal.

