Enjoy Yours

Enjoy Yours

You know the feeling you get when you’re looking at a day filled with not all that much going on ?
No big plans.
No pressing anythings on the plate.
Twenty four hours of I can do everything or I can do nothing.
It’s all up to ME.

Oh Happiness.

Everything seems to flow just right.
The world is bright.
The stars aligned.
Birds chirp.
People smile.
Clouds fluff.
Sun shines.
Every single thing is all perfect and fine on a THIS day is MINE !! kind of day.

! Hey !

Every. Day.

Every. Day. should be, COULD be that feeling.
It really, truly is all in the way you look at this today.

Remember, it’s a gift, a precious, priceless, amazing gift

so ! ! YaY ! !

♥ enjoy yours ♥

