Burnt Hot Dogs

Burnt Hot Dogs

Hot dogs on a grill.

Oh. Yeah.

Even better .. ?
A burnt hot dog on a grill.
It it seriously THE BEST.
The burnt-er, the better.
For. Sure


My adoration of burnt hot dogs began yearsssss ago.
Growing up, summertime at our house included many a charcoal grilled dinner
& Dad was the man in charge.
Nobody but nobody flipped those burgers and dogs quite like my father.
The  man is a legend.

But, even a legend has an occasional dud.
Every once in awhile there would be that rogue.
The stray.
The one that got away.
The accidentally burnt one
& even though the majority of Dad’s hamburgers and hot dogs were thisclose to perfection, Mom would always zero in on that burnt guy.
It truly annoyed her so.

“Jack !!! There’s a burnt one … ! WHO’S gonna eat the burnt one ?!!?”
Every Summer.
“Jack ! ! !”

& each year, each and every time I would quietly answer,  “I’ll eat it”.
I’d take that annual hit for Team Dad, just to keep the peace.

& so, it began …

Somewhere down that road though, Dad started burning my hot dogs on purpose.
He would have me take a look and ask if the dog was burnt enough for my liking.
They always were.

Dad retired his grill a few years ago.
He passed the torch to his next generation
& I am incredibly happy to report that I have inherited those flipping skills.
I have become the grill master at family gatherings
& I love it.


Each year when grilling season begins, Dad and I laugh about how I still enjoy a very, very burnt hot dog.


But, I don’t think he recalls the priceless reasons why.

Thanks, Dad.
