

I’ve heard the word copycat more times this weekend than I ever have in my life.
I saw two cats aimlessly roaming the street yesterday
I had a dream about one of those old time, monster copy machines last night.
It was my job to fix it.
And fix it I did.


So now, I’m wondering what’s up with that ?
Am I suppose to copy something ?
Fix something ?
Feed the cat ?
Who’s cat ?


I remember irritatingly uttering  “stop copying me !” multiple times during my youth.
Which would almost always open the door to immediate imitation by my mimic.




Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Tell him to stop copying me !
“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Tell him to stop copying me !”

& then, in my teens, twenties and even thirties I became the one doing the copying.
The latest trends.

(although, I must say, I did look pretty awesome with that Barbra Streisand ‘A Star Is Born” fro …)

But, along with age came wonderful knowledge and lovely acceptance.
Acceptance of me.
By me.

& although it’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
I kind of enjoy this thing called my way.


Copy me ?
Copy you ?
Copy that, cat.


I Am My Feelings