… and the home of the brave …
One of my favorite, tingle from head to toe sensations, occurs when I stand in Chicago’s Soldier Field during our National Anthem.
The joy, the pride, the energy that flows is absolutely electric
sometimes… sometimes …
There is absolutely nothing more heart pumping, thrilling than hearing and the home of the brave as U.S.A. jets zoommmmmm overhead.
Red, white and blue happiness fills my heart during this incredibly patriotic moment and if I could, I would capture it’s super uniting power and
sprinkle it here, there, over, and around, so all of America would wake up, inhale the glory and remember to appreciate.
Every. Single. Day.
Appreciate the big,
the little,
the simple,
the extraordinary.
Appreciate the courage,
the honor,
the vow,
the integrity.
This land we love is ours because of YOU, Veteran.