The early voting, VOTE HERE sign greets as I enter, and I smile when our paths cross.
I park the car, I do my stepstepstep biz and as I finish my walk each day, I make a point to trek past the building, with it’s parade of PICK ME PICK MEEEEEEE expressions, just to see what’s going on, to catch the enthusiastic vibe in the air.

Yesterday was no exception and wowza, what a line of human beings I encountered,
bundled up for the morning chill, sitting, standing, talking, listening, smiling, glancing at phones, keeping themselves occupied until it became their moment to decide, to cast, to be counted.

Have I mentioned how much I adore America ??!!??

Dear America

Because it’s yours, it’s mine, it’s a treasure of a gift deemed OURS.
& my heart goes to mush when I realize this incredibly simple, awesome fact.

& through the many years I’ve had the privilege,
most times I did, sometimes I did not,
oftentimes agreeing with the results, other times dealing with disappointment, but always, ALWAYS cherishing the delicate dance of

Cheers to the process, the stepping up, the doing, America.

with exclamation point acknowledgement, to the unique, the amazing,
the one by one by

power of US.

