… zero … but …

… zero … but …

We buy some every year.

Just. In. Case.
’cause you just never, ever know,
we don’t want to be caught off guard,
and we certainly don’t wish to be deemed the blinds closed, house that gifts nothing.


But this residence we’ve lived in since 1985 (!) sits a ways back, and this town we call ours has never been too concerned with sidewalks on this street, and although I absolutely adore the forgotten-about-ness of it all, and the absence of sidewalks is just one of the many reasons why Husband and I remain planted …
if trick-treat action on Halloween night is high on the list of !! yippee-s !!
ya ain’t gonna get it here.

But we buy some anyways.
Just. In. Case.

During the growing up years of the peeps forever dubbed, our kids, it was Grandma and Grandpa’s house we would trot for goodies galore camaraderie.

And ooooh, the joy,
oooooh the gleeeeeee,
ohhhhh the !! candy !!
Theirs was definitely the place to be.
& when those children and I would make our way back home, with bags and bellies filled to the rim, they would excitedly ask their Dad (who would stay behind JUST. IN. CASE.)
how many ??!??
Occasionally, those I babysat, would pop in to show off their adorableness, but mostly daddy’s response would be a whopping


& so, we’d laugh our yearly laugh and carry on
with the sorting,



of All Hallows’ Eve.


& tonight, as we celebrate this delightful event, I will anticipate the knocking on our door
and the calculations of those who calculate

! 100 !

! 123 !

! only 50 !

and giggle, my forever giggle, with an exclamation of
!! zero !!
as I dig into my very own treasure trove,

happy we bought some anyways
’cause you just never, ever know,
just in case …


