An Okinawan Artist

An Okinawan Artist

I adore this portrait. I’ve loved it for years. Hanging ever so quietly in a cove near the desk, there she’d contentedly smile when I’d walk past, when I’d get ready, when I’d hurry by and glance, when I’d once in awhile pause, when I’d get all mushy-mushy then carry on with my busy biz …

♥ MoM ♥

& for whatever reason, it wasn’t until yesterday afternoon while backyard, socially distance visiting with Dad and Bro, where I received the beautiful story behind this canvas.

He was stationed in Okinawa, Japan for the U.S. Navy. She was temporarily back in her New York hometown, living with family until his return. Recently married but separated by 8000 miles, in love, they remained.

He handed an Okinawan artist two pictures that, to this day, he carries in his wallet. Her Navy. Her wedding day. And although there is no sign, no signature, no mention of this painter of Lorraine, his talent, I applaud. He captured her moment, their moment.

Packed up and shipped across the ocean, I so wish I had witnessed Mom’s reaction as she opened her gift. Did she squeal with delight ? Did her melted heart weep ? Did she bubble over with !! weeeeee !! how incredibly thoughtful !!?!!  And how she must have missed this man she called Husband as their very first year of marriage was spent so far apart.


One. Year.

And as he came back to the states, as he reunited with his bride, as they made their plans and adjusted their lives, as they boxed up and prepared to travel, these happily married strangers left this portrait behind.

You get her, but I get this

were the words spoken by my grandfather to my father, this man he barely knew, this man who was taking his daughter to begin their life in the Midwest.

And as Dad finished his priceless story with, we got it back after he died …

!! I KNOW !!

!! waaaaaaaaaa !!

My Grandpa had a super-duper soft spot after all

cause, you see, I remember only the tired, older, grumpier man and knowing what I know now, that he kept his daughter’s portrait allllll those days . ! . just fills me with a million exclamations points

… ! ! ! ! ! …

I look at my mama’s picture in a whole new light as I remain in total awe of a life well built. For me, for my sibs, for our children and grandchildren.

& WoW.

Thanks, Mom.

Thanks, Dad.

& Thank YOU, Mr Okinawan Artist.


I Love You Too