Ahhhh, Chlorophyll

Ahhhh, Chlorophyll

It’s been awhile since I first heard about you and surprisingly, I remember you well. But truth be told ?? When asked what he learned this past week, Grandson’s explanation of your amazing-ness was much more adorable.

There he stood, conquering his very first power-point presentation called US and there we sat, in awe of his precise details.

Chlorophyll is stronger, that’s why trees are green

but the OTHER colors are ALWAYS there.

& WoW

Those profoundly simple words continue to echo in my brain.

But. The. Other. Colors. Are. Always. There.

As if, in the distance

waiting ooooooh so patiently for their chance to show

to shine

to be

working together to do their share, their part, their smidge of a portion on this glorious journey called LIFE

Some may be bolder, some may glow brighter, some may blend in with an easy, laid back approach but all are beautiful, all are deserving, all are accepted


What a magnificent lesson of Hope

& I very much appreciate your subtle reminder, Chlorophyll, represented with the utmost clarity

through the untainted eyes of a kindergartner.
