It’s Andy !

It’s Andy !

Maybe it was my mood or maybe it was theirs.
Either way, I felt invisible.

Nobody!! and I walked passed quite a few bodies
& not one single person, not one ! looked over or returned my smile.


yeah, I get it.
We all sometimes reach that point of ‘leave me alone’.
Caught up in our own little space, zeroed in on the me, myself and I.
But …
really ?
Every. Individual. I meandered by ignored, as if I was not even there.


Well gee.
What’s up with THAT ??
& hey, maybe I disappeared and I’m the only one who hasn’t figured it out yet.


To have a bird’s eye view and not be seen ?
To change this and tweak that, maneuver things so everything works out fine and life is perfectly dandy for you and you
andyouandyouandyouyouyouandyou ?

I would tickle those non-smilers.
tickle tickle hee hee
& adjust their heads so they would actually notice this person who is trying to add brightness to their day.

Lookie HERE !!


& as I became completely entranced in this world of Invisible Me, a familiar, sunshiny face I haven’t seen in a very long while appeared.
He remembered my name as if we were lifetime buddies
& I, of course, had to embarrassingly ask ??

“It’s Andy !”

& this nice human being named Andy and I caught up on things since the last time our paths just happened to cross

& that’s the funny thing about things.
Our paths just happened to cross way back when
& we just happened to smile each and every time we saw each other until one day we exchanged names because it seemed like the right thing to do
& he’d go his way
I’d go mine
& our days would be a little bit happier because we looked, we cared.

Funny how Andy popped back into my walking world the moment I was feeling the way I was feeling.
He’s my reminder to keep smiling, keep doing, to pass that light and keep passing that light even when it seems I’m extremely teeny tiny, and oh, so small.

Someone, somewhere out there sees.
Someone, somewhere out there needs
& someone, somewhere out there appreciates.

Thanks, Andy.


You Matter