My Every Day Happy Book

My Every Day Happy Book

If there is one thing I love in life, it’s a blank sheet of  paper and a good writing pen.
Hand me a journal or pad or notebook or any form of lines and ink
& uh huh,
You’ve got me.

So, it really comes as no surprise that I have a few tools to choose from when I’m looking to jot things down
& I love it.
No offense to technology but, I ADORE pen to papering my words before I internet launch.
It’s just what I do
& how I do it.

Lately though, I’ve been thinking, instead of filling my awesome little books with random scribble scrabbles, I believe I shall theme them.

! ! ! ! !
What a great idea
so far, oooooh ! so good.

I’ve dubbed one journal for the signs that I see.
Grandsons’ words and observations are filling another
& my wannabe, soon to be stories and poems now have a cute, new place to call home.
But, the memento that is turning into my favorite thing to do, is my ‘Every Day Happy’.


My plan is to find one single something in every single day that brings glee to my heart
& I gotta tell you, it is sooooo incredibly easy
& not just because I’m sitting in the Land of Fluffy Clouds and Sunshine.
It’s a zillion other things too.

Like people’s helpfulness
or simple kindness,
an out of the blue smile.
Good friends who take the time to do, to say.
It’s interesting conversations,
it’s yummy meals and pleasant thoughts.
It’s the stars at night, the birds chirping in the distance.

You see, happiness is everywhere
& if I choose to seek, I most definitely will find
& believe me, I am finding.


Eighteen days in and it’s been a good one.
But, who knows what life will bring next ?
Maybe this will be a year where absolutely nothing changes
Maybe this will be a year where absolutely everything changes.
Although I sometimes wish I was, I am not privy to fate.

But, I do know that no matter what happens
& I truly mean
No. Matter. What. Happens.
I will find a little bit of goodness in today, tomorrow and in the many days that follow because joy is always, ALWAYS reachable, attainable, doable.
Bright is forever THERE.

& on December 31, 2017 ?
I’m pretty positive my Every Day Happy Book will be scrawled and scratched and packed and piled and filled to FULL with a whole, lotta wonderful.



I Am My Feelings