“I’m Here Friends!”

“I’m Here Friends!”

Those three simple words have melted my heart
& every time I think about them I get all mushy mushy inside.

I’m. Here. Friends.

Grandson made this announcement as he and his daddy walked into daycare recently.
He was that happy.
Granted, his moment of bliss evaporated when it came time to part with Father but, hey, he’s two
& two year olds are known to lean a bit towards the moody side.

I’m Here Friends.

Imagine how incredibly beautiful life could be if we all approached our day so lovingly.
I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine.


Awwww children.
I’ve said it once, twice, a million, zillion times.

They hold the answers.
They really do.
Ask a child and you will find your solution to just about anything.
Anything that matters, that is.


I’m here friends
I hope we all have a very, VERY wonderful today.


I Am My Feelings