All You Need Is

All You Need Is

For those who are loyal readers of this blog, you know I am repeating
& I apologize.
Quite frankly, I am running out of words, so I redo with the hope that maybe, just maybe, THIS time my simple rambles will help us change, grow, unite and ….


It should be so easy.
To feel, to do, to share
& yet, like a shy child, it often cowers.
Afraid to come forward to take that stand.

It should be so difficult.
To feel, to do, to share.
& yet, like a schoolyard bully, it continually intimidates.
Muscling through with loud, obnoxious, ugliness.

It’s time to speak up, Love.
Time to show the world your incredible power.
The good people are out there waiting, hoping, cheering.
So come out of those shadows, Love.
You’ve got this.

We’ve got this.

All we need is you, Love
& the rest should be very, very easy.



I Am My Feelings