Sharing Colors

Sharing Colors

Pulled from the archives on this International Being You Day.

YaY YOU ! YaY ME ! YaY US !!


I’ve been having some wild, weird dreams lately
which is cool.
I love night messages.
Especially the ones that stay in my brain all day long.
Figure me out, I’m coded.

This one was about colors.
Bright, bright colors.

I had a stack of them.
Rounded, disc like, easy to pick up and carry around colors.
Blues, greens, pinks, reds …
Beautifully intense colors.
I was in charge of keeping and collecting them.
At least that’s what the lady who was with me told me.
She said she was assigned to me and I was assigned to the colors.

Lady and I stepped outside to take a walk
& oh, the people we saw.
Millions and millions of busy, bustling people
& everyone had their own stack of colors.
Vibrantly bright, wonderfully different colors.
I’ve never seen so many colors !
Some people had their colors out in the open, like polka dots around them.
Some had their colors stuffed in a pocket or a bag
& everybody’s colors were shiny, although some colors dazzled more than others.

The closer my dream traveler and I got to this humongous group of people, the more individualized they became.
We were surrounded by a mob, but as I looked left, then right, I could only see the person next to me
& it was quiet.
A peaceful, comfortable quiet.
Just me and a stranger.

Stranger and I would talk a bit, exchange colors and move along to the next person
& suddenly the mass of people became calm.
Every once in awhile, in the distance, I would hear noise and chaos, but my dream companion kept reminding me to concentrate on the person next to me.
Meet them, greet them, exchange our colors and move on

& then I woke up
& as I’m sitting here, well into my afternoon, I’m still thinking about this dream because it is a VERY easy one to figure out.

I have mine.
Your have yours.

Let’s keep it simple.

We meet.
We greet.
We exchange.

We are Happy.

