Sharing the Dream

Sharing the Dream

Word on the street says tomorrow’s Powerball in reaching gargantuan status.


And yep, just as Husband and I did last week,

we will purchase a ya never know !! ticket today, cause !! ya just never know !! And sure as we do, I’ll be swept back into a conversation he and I have Every. Single. Solitary. Time. a Mega or Power jackpot goes BIG.

& so … into the archives, I tumbled, to dust off this 2018 gem for your Tuesday morning glee …



As we were chugging along the highway, making the trek back to the place we call home, our topic of conversation turned to the Mega Millions Jackpot and whattodowhattodowhattodo with this humongous amount of money should Husband and I be dealt those perfect numbers and long story short ?? After we’d take care of debt and make those we cherish most incredibly set and forever comfortable and this, that, etc ….  we decided it would be best to split the leftovers right in half.

Here’s your mountain.

Here’s my mountain.

You see, Husband and his analytical brain could not compute what I had planned for my pile of cash and instead of watching his head slowly and surely explode, I exclaimed  !! HERE !! Here’s yours !! Now shush up and don’t mess with my dream !!

I proceeded to tell this baffled soul, I would take my portion and begin a quest to change the world. Charities, research, visions, helping a good cause, fundraisers, that guy on the street corner !!! ooooh !! you name it !! I’d be handing those dollar bills out like candy because I COULD

& right THERE !! sat my point and sits my confusion.

How someone blessed with sooooooo much fortune not use this unique pedestal to change the world with generosity is absolutely beyond me. How could one possibly make this about themselves ?!!? This would be a perfect opportunity to give, give, give !! and GIVE !!!!

and then I thought, hmmm.

Here I sit with my I should !! and I would !! and by golly !! you’ll see !! and someday !!

Some. Day.

Hey Self, how about today ? How about HERE ?? How about using the resources I have right smack dab in front of me ?? Who says I need a billion of anything ?? I have everything I need RIGHT HERE !!

I have ME

& within me is the ability to make this world brighter !!  I can do. I can say. I can be, help, deliver and accomplish. So, never you mind Mega Millions. I’m good. I’ll be working my little lemonade stand of life one person at a time.

Offering a light here, a happy there, teeny, tiny dots of sunshine everywhere and I WILL make a difference.



Cheers to power sharing, mega-dreaming and FABULOUS days ahead, my friends !! And no worries about that teapot screeeeeeeeech you hear in the background, it’s just Husband, imploding.
