Collecting Words

Collecting Words

Pretty sure you already know, I’m a collector of words. Yep. Yep. And I know I’ve told you allllll about my Red Book, where snips and clips and hidden treasures of inspiration reside.


And occasionally, I’ll share sentences I’ve stumbled upon that have touched my heart so doggone much, I need to show you too ….




But it wasn’t until I discovered this gem …

So then, I thought, ya know, every now and again, I conjure up what I consider a goodie …



and just in case you haven’t noticed, writing is EVERYTHING to me !! And if my words touch one little soul today or are highlighted tomorrow or did you see this ?? shared next Tuesday or somewhere down the road tucked away in a special keeping placed ??!!? That’s it !! I’m there !! I’ve accomplished !! ’cause it’s to YOU

and YOU

and one

by one

by every singular, beautiful ONE of you, I speak.

And words. WORDS !!

Yep. I’m a collector.


With You For You And You