♥ 56 ♥

♥ 56 ♥

I’ll be taking this body of mine to Versiti Blood Center today
& I find it near impossible to describe the joy I feel before, during and after.
It’s pretty awesome.

I go for a withdrawal every 56 days.
I’d add ! like clockwork ! but life sometimes gets in the way and I have to reschedule.
But, I go.
I have kept a promise to me.


And if you are a frequent visitor to this blog, you’ve patiently experienced these words as I repeat, repeat, repeat each and every time this day arrives. I then proceed to inform …

I’ve been told by the kind people of Versiti, I have rare blood.
The rarest of the rare, I am reminded
& that’s cool.
I brag about this fact every now and again because I can, because it’s mine
Every. Single. Time. I donate. I wonder, where oh where does my bag of rare crimson go after it leaves me … ?
I know it is helping someone, somewhere.
But who ?
I so wish I knew.

After my brief moment of self-inflate,

I coax. I hope …

If you’ve never experienced the wonderfulness of donating blood, consider doing.
It’s not hard.
It doesn’t hurt.

(ok… maybe a teeeeeeeny, tiny pinch)

It takes very little time
& there’s juice, cookies and some pretty tasty treats offered afterwards
but, most importantly …
YOUR rare crimson will help a someone, somewhere too

I ! ! applaud … !! …

& if you ARE a consistent contributor YOU already know this stuff so …
! ! ! YaY YOU ! ! !
Thank you for being such a generous human being.

& encourage …

But these days’ donations are different. The virus known as the Delta variant lurks among us, causing fear and doubt. But I’ll be darned if I let that creature get in my way of helping others because blood donations are needed NOW more than EVER.

So PLEASE, if you can, DO. Begin your 56 day groove within these continually surreal moments by helping those most vulnerable and know that in the magic of giving you will always, ALWAYS find happy

and if we must remain focused in diligence

(we must)

Happy Helping is the most fulfilling place to be.


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