♥ Thanks, M ♥
Google (and Bro) have informed me, Heimlich Maneuver has adjusted it’s name to Abdominal Thrusts
& hmmm.
Call me old-school but … yes, it’s true, the 21-year old me Abdominal Thrust-ed a hotdog gasping man all those years ago. Fast forward to somewhere in the 2000’s and one other instant and yep, the three times I’ve been handed this unique opportunity to save a life, I’ve succeeded.
Good for me, better for them. But truth be told ?? I shake like a quake afterwards, as the gravity of it all comes barrelling through my brain.
it’s scary stuff, so please don’t put me in that position ever again, ok ??
Enter: Saturday. And there a few of us sat, minding our biz, social distancing with a Father’s Day Eve picnic in Dad’s backyard. Favorite carryout burger deluxe on the menu and YuM. Life. Is. Good.
And I promise, I was following the guidelines of my youth and not talking with my mouth full, but what I teasingly uttered to my sis was funny ! so I laughed at my own joke and …. and …. stuck it became. That teeniest of tiny bit of burger. Yep. Wouldn’t cough up, wouldn’t swallow down. Just there, embedded in my throat pipe. And ummm, I’ve never, ever been on this side of struggling before so as I stood up and wheezed, I pointed to the fella I deemed my saver with a could ya ? would ya ??
Long story short and not to go all graphic here but, my bit o’ food popped out e x t r e m e l y s l o w mo t i o n quick and YaY ! Abdominal Thrust works !! And as we all settled back into calm, we BIG sighed, we DANG-ED, we chuckled and I thanked.
But it wasn’t until the evening appeared, hunkered cozily on my couch where I replayed the moment and googled the odds
And even though I pledged I wouldn’t
as I sit here this a.m. I must reiterate a boatload of praise to my reluctant hero, thank Dr Heimlich for his superb idea and realize, yet again, how precious and priceless each and every day be
but, errrr, hey, Google ??
Does this REALLY mean I’m elderly ??!?
♥ Thanks, M ♥