You. Are. 2020.

You. Are. 2020.

Because there are many roads in this great, big, beautiful world and they will be at every turn with their wisdom, their choices, their solution and that’s all fine and fine but, always remember to hold on tight to you.


Because they can’t hear your heart.

So listen.
And do.
& keep listening.
Keep doing.
& know that if you truly want that dream of yours, it can happen. It does happen. It will happen.

Listen to those possibles inside of YOU
when they say the sky is the limit ?

Fly higher.

These are the sentences I should be sharing, Graduate. Written from the heart and filled with sincerity, they are my yearly sendoff to the many who have come before. But YOU, my friend, are The Class of 2020 & that, right there, says it all.

Whether you realize it or not, YOU are a badge of honor, a pride, a direction and yes, it’s sad you won’t be participating in the walk or the party or the moment for these are milestones taken away. But who you are and what you represent is sooooo much more than a brief spotlight of applause.

You’re resilience, 2020.

You’re hope.

You are that light at the end of a tunnel, a flame. You are dreams, you are wishes and YOU, dear graduate, are a worldwide, steadfast voice of We CAN, We MUST. Your shine is deemed forever.

The Graduating Class of 2020 will go down in history as a symbol of what we are and who we will become, so wear it loud, wear it proud, Young Friends, for we know what you’re capable of because we feel every bit of it too.

So go get ’em, 2020 !!

fly with the collective power of unbreakable, knowing destiny has already determined your soar. And oooooh, how you will !


Oh Yes I Can